2024 has arrived in all its mathematical glory. As you know, 2024 is the Harshad number. That is, it can be evenly divided by the sum of its digits. This year is also the year of the dragon, which brings growth and development, and is also a leap year, which is widely considered to be auspicious.
Growth, luck, and interesting numbers. This is music to the ears of affiliate and performance marketers.
Moreover, it fits neatly into the industry narrative that has been building over the past few years. With the explosive popularity of fintech publishers and content commerce, Partnership Marketing has seen significant growth in 2023.New possibilities too CTV and coupon space.
So what can we expect in the next 12 months? Readers, we stare into crystal balls, mint runes, spread tarot cards, and discover the deepest secrets of the universe and what humanity will ever know. I learned the oldest lesson I can.
But I didn't understand much about affiliate marketing. So instead, we reached out to some smart industry experts and compiled their predictions below.
technology takeover
Technology partnerships, which have revolutionized the sector in the last year, have proven to be an area of opportunity for many marketers. These partners differ from the traditional publisher model in that they don't always drive traffic to your brand's site. You might focus on CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) or his AOV or another metric.
These technologies are very popular among consumers and retailers. For example, buy now, pay later (BNPL). Record-breaking cyber week In 2023.
Therefore, it is no surprise that our experts predict further growth in this sector this year.
Jade MayberryHead of Affiliate & Performance Partnership Marketing, North America, Dentsu International.
“Lower funnels are now shifting towards loyalty and It is made up of financial tech partners. This will continue until 2024.”
mark andresFinfare Connect Merchant Director said:
“Looking ahead to 2024, a notable trend in affiliate marketing will be the increased use of offers linked to payments by merchants, primarily through open banking technology. It makes it easier to create highly personalized offers, and we expect more publishers to adopt this technology and integrate it into their platforms to align with user interests.”