Publication date: April 16, 2024 01:52 (EAT)
Co-operatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cabinet Secretary Simon Chergui confirmed the government's commitment to supporting Kenyans across the country in a variety of artisan jobs.
Speaking during the Kigumo Basket Weavers Expo and Fundraiser on Monday, Chergui said there are plans to establish various mobile applications that will help strengthen digital marketing in the country.
He also said that farmers, especially coffee, dairy and avocado farmers, receive great support from government funds, and urged artisans to form cooperatives to receive financial assistance from the government. .
CS further notes that through institutions such as Kenya Industrial Estates (KIE), National Youth Advancement Project (NYOTA) and Hustler Fund, the government is working to promote MSMEs through funding, training and capacity building as part of a bottom-up initiative. He pointed out that. Economic Transmission Agenda (BETA).
Gender Minister Aisha Jumwa echoed his sentiments, saying the Uwezo Fund, a program aimed at providing access to finance for women, youth and persons with disabilities, would improve the lives of women.
She called on women majoring in weaving activities to obtain financial support from the foundation.
Jumwa added that her ministry has also developed the Sanaa application, which is created to assist various women's groups in marketing their products.
He argued that marketing through the Internet is more profitable because it cuts out intermediaries in the value chain.
Jumwa added that the ministry is working to ensure that funds are allocated in the next national budget to ensure that women's organizations have access to raw materials to make their products.
Alice Wahome of Lands CS pointed out that joining a cooperative also gives artisans the opportunity to access various government funds.
Wahome has promised to finance the completion of two markets in Mutiti and Kangali districts of Kigumo constituency to boost trade activities.
The event was hosted by nominated Senator Veronica Maina, who claimed that her main objective was to bring women's products to market, stating that women have been weaving high-quality baskets for many years, but that He said he could not make any more profit.
She expressed confidence that the funds raised at this event would go a long way in helping group members obtain raw materials to weave baskets.