This week we have not one, but two guest experts. – Saroca CEO Emily Leeb and Saroca Vice President of Development Claire Adamou. They join Leigh Anne to discuss burnout in affiliate managers from the perspective of two of her industry experts. This is a big topic and an eye-opening explanation, so he split the episode into two parts. The conversation will cover the signs of burnout, the importance of recognizing and addressing it, and steps leaders can take to support their teams.
Listen here for all the insights…
4 signs of burnout
Lee-Ann begins by discussing what burnout is. Because burnout can mean different things to different people. How do you know that burnout may be happening to you?
Emily explains: “When we are successful in life or at work, it is often a combination of both passion and motivation. You can feel the passion for what you do. We come to work every day inspired and motivated to get the job done.
“What happens when one or both of these are depleted is that you usually start to see telltale signs of burnout. Another framework I would suggest is to look through when assessing whether you are burnt out or whether someone on your team is burnt out. There was a gentleman named Hendrix, and he wrote a book called “Gay.''big leap' There he talks about the four zones of flow.
“If you want to talk about the tell-tale signs of burnout,Here are some of the four main thought patterns or processes someone may be experiencing.
- “As much as I wanted to, I just couldn’t do it anymore” – Maybe you’re engaged, but you just don’t have the energy.
- “I can't do it anymore, I don't want to.”
- “Nothing I do matters” – I don’t have the skills or resources to support me. There is no difference.
- “What on earth am I working for?” – This organization or this team exists solely for the benefit of executives or the bottom line. I'm just a cog in the wheel and don't affect anything.
ask for help
Claire explains what happens when you don't address the signs of burnout. she says: “One of the things I learned from her along my journey was the importance of asking for help and using your skills, because I never ask for help.
“I led a team and ran an affiliate management agency for 10 years, leading a team of primarily men. I remember the first time a woman asked me, 'Are you okay?' I started crying because none of the men had ever asked me if I was okay before.
“I have two stories about how it negatively affected me: stress and burnout. I have two very young children and running that business while five months pregnant… I took about two weeks off for maternity leave, and then I went back to work with my child on my desk and bounced her around on the locker. I was feeling the pressure.
“I had bad arthritis. It's an autoimmune disease and it's caused by stress. I mean, lack of sleep. It's the constant pressure, the pressure at work, the mom guilt. , not listening to my body when I'm tired and not listening to my body when I need to rest. and It's not asking for help. ”
Make your health a priority
Leigh Anne says: “Honestly, it's really eye-opening to me to hear you talk like that and be so publicly vulnerable on this podcast, because a lot of people listen to this podcast while they're at work. Because I think you’re going to hear it.’ In the affiliate marketing industry, they’re going to relate 110% to what you’re just going through. My request to everyone listening to this podcast is to try not to let it affect your physical health.
“Mental health is invisible. We don't talk about it openly in our industry because we're supposed to be strong. We're supposed to be go-getters. We're supposed to be competitive. This is essentially part of the culture of being an affiliate program manager and actually managing the sales part of the job and managing relationships, but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your health or your mental well-being. there is no.”
Access the Burnout Resource Guide here
This conversation continues next week in Part 2. How to avoid burnout this year with affiliate management…
If you would like to know more about the following, please ask.
- Recognizing and dealing with affiliate manager burnout
- Supporting teams to prevent burnout in the iGaming industry
- Recognize the signs of burnout
Key segments of this podcast and where you can listen directly to them:
[05:44] Four zones of flow
[24:00] complete Self-assessment of stress and burnout
[29:00] Bringing humanity back to the workplace
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