Steve Priya, the advertising agency recently launched by former Wunderman Thompson executive creative directors, has announced its first major new business acquisition, The Sleep Company. The account was acquired after a multi-agency pitch. Accounts are processed at the agency's Mumbai office.
Steve Priya will be responsible for creating integrated marketing solutions across all product categories, the company said in a press release.
Commenting on the partnership, Ripal Chopda, Chief Marketing Officer at The Sleep Company, said: Their ideas resonated deeply with us and highlighted a deep alignment of vision and purpose. We look forward to the transformative impact of this partnership and the great work we will create together. ”
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Priya Pardiwalla and Steve Mathias, co-founders and chief creative officer of Steve Priya, said: We're excited to partner with them on this adventure, and we're excited to partner with them on this adventure, which will bring insightful, unexpected,
Attractive and outstanding in this category. ”
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