Check out the latest episode of the Stark Integrity podcast, hosted by Bob Wade, Nashville Partner at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP, and featuring healthcare industry experts.
Are there minimal exceptions to the Stark Law?
Is there a minimum compensation exception to the Stark Law? In this episode, Wade investigates whether there is one. Hear what the microcompensation exception means, why compensation must still be at fair market value (FMV) and commercially reasonable (CR), why ex-post written agreements are not required, and examples from Stark's world. A quick history lesson on laws and exceptions.
How to identify covert retaliation
How do you identify covert retaliation? In this episode, Wade reveals eight categories of covert retaliation related to the Stark Law. He identified two broad categories of retaliation, how the anti-retaliation provisions under the False Claims Act (FCA) are separate causes of action that individuals can bring against businesses and individuals, and how confidential retaliation is a separate cause of action that individuals can bring against businesses and individuals. Explain why it is the most difficult form of retaliation to do. Explain the origins of retaliation and the differences between retaliation against public officials.
Marketing under the Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS)
Billions of dollars are spent each year on marketing in healthcare. In this episode, Wade explains why such marketing can cause problems under the Stark Law and the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS). Why referral-to-referral marketing is not illegal, why you need to pay attention to ad development and placement, why fair market value (FMV) is important, and the typical amount that different healthcare professionals spend on marketing each month. , and the different types of advertising. I can run.