Whether you're a respected thought leader or a career-driven professional looking to make a name for yourself, you probably share one common experience: a love-hate relationship with social media. It's a wild world of content, clicks, tweets, shares, and the occasional viral sensation. You want to make an impact online, provide value to your audience, and master the art of digital charisma. And you want to do it without losing your sanity. Apply these five bold techniques to your social media strategy and actions to consistently provide value to your audience with less stress and effort.
Becoming a serial killer
Think of your social feeds as an up-to-date series that's worthy of a binge. Rather than a one-off great post, create a narrative that keeps your followers coming back for more. Tell your story through a series of compelling articles and videos. For example, if you create a five-article series called “Five tips for leading remote teams,” you can create an overview article with a brief description of each of the five tips, and five additional articles that dive deeper into each tip. You can then use flashbacks to get readers to react to the previous article (“In article 2 of this series, we shared that…”) and foreshadowing to build anticipation for the next installment.
Let's repeat
The majority of your online connections don't see most of what you post. Unless you're Taylor Swift and your audience is made up of Swift fans, most people aren't waiting for your new article or infographic. And if they're not online at the right time or actively searching for your content, they probably won't see it. For example, on LinkedIn, only 6% to 7.5% of people see each post. That means when you work hard to produce valuable thought leadership, you're going to repost, recycle, and remix your content.
to cheat, lie, steal
In fact, it's more like borrowing. When you curate content created by others, you expose their efforts to your audience. Prefacing your posts with a link to their content and adding your own perspective adds value to their content, which in turn speaks to your authorship. Of course, you should thank your contributors and acknowledge their great work. But if you just share without adding value or your own perspective, it's almost like you're not posting at all.
Half the effort, twice the effect
Cut your workload in half and double your engagement by co-creating content with friends and colleagues. Co-producing articles, videos, and podcasts makes you more than just a thought leader — it makes you part of a content team. Share your work, share the shares, share the kudos — and watch your social influence multiply.
Becoming an outsourcer
No, that's not a typo. Outsource with some wizard magic. Let AI do some of the heavy lifting, from idea generation to flawless proofreading. Use ChatGPT and other generative AI tools to add otherworldly vibrancy to how you get things done. AI can be the muse that sparks new and interesting ideas, the editor that checks your articles for consistency and completeness, and the proofreader that makes sure they're grammatically correct. AI will even come up with SEO-worthy titles and summaries that you can use for promotion. This isn't cheating, it's engaging and efficient outsourcing.
Use these 5 no-nonsense rules to make an impact in the world of social media: Practice these rules and watch your social media presence grow: In a world of pixels and posts, it’s not just about being seen, it’s also about being memorable.
William Arruda is Keynote SpeakersCo-founder of Career Blast TV Co-creator of Brand Boost – A video-driven virtual course that will help you increase your self-awareness and strengthen your personal brand.