Author: HustlersDailyPay Staff

Digital entrepreneur, marketing storyteller and adventure seeker. Living my story means turning passion into a profession and dreams into plans. I'm the CEO of my own life.

This article is over 8 years old.Written by a guest posterlydia leeFour years ago, I left a comfortable six-figure job and a steady, regular paycheck for the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship. After climbing the corporate ladder and paying your dues, it can be difficult to walk away. Here are some of the biggest lessons I've learned so far. I didn't need as much money as I thought I could have quit sooner, but I put off quitting because I mistakenly believed that I had to earn as much from my day job as I was getting paid as an employee.…

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Marketing trends and channels evolve over time. While some trends come and go quickly, one channel that remains more or less the same is email. In fact, email continues to be the top content marketing channel for both B2C and B2B marketers. 87% of B2B marketers and 77% of B2C marketers use it to grow their audience. It can also help you expand other marketing channels like social. That being said, marketers still face many challenges in their email marketing efforts. One of these key challenges is the time it takes to create a great-looking email from scratch. Without efficient…

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I reactivated my online dating profile a few months ago.I was excited about my unlikely first date with a child psychiatrist. At 36, he was a year younger than me. We exchanged a few flirtatious text messages, and judging by his photos, he was exactly my type: tall, healthy, and handsome, with that bald, bearded look that captivated me.Before meeting for coffee, I checked his profile again to see what we could talk about. I saw that he practices tai chi every day. (Nice one. I'm in the middle of a 30-day Bikram yoga challenge.) He likes books on spiritual…

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Tony McHugh has returned to the property industry under a new name and is rumoured to have received a six-figure fee for his tell-all TV interview.Gerald Baden Clay's former mistress is trying to get her life back on track after rumors spread that she was paid as much as $200,000 for an exclusive interview with the singer. 60 minutes. Special Feature: Till Death Do Us Part Wiretapping: How police tried to get a coffin confession Shattered dreams: “I wanted to be Mrs. Baden Clay” Key evidence: The police knew this was the killer's faceMs McHugh is said to have been…

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